
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Social Dance

On the floor
Cha Cha slide
All in time
Learning how to dance properly

All together
Nice complements
Change of partner dance

Monday 28 July 2014

Short Story

A taxi, an old enemy, and Valentine's Day.
On Saturday the 14 of February Paul was working for his taxi compony and he got a call from the office. Paul went to the house to pick up the passenger. Paul soon realised that when the passenger got in that it was his old enemy Charlie. 
Charlie and Paul have been enemies since 3rd grade they have been in fights and steeling each others stuff. long story short they hate each other.     
Paul thinks of kicking him out but then he things of a better scheme of over charging Charlie so Paul drives in to town and stops. When Paul tries to overcharge him charlie says "Is that a bit much?" "No" Paul says. Charlie brings out his gun and pulls it on Paul. Paul had a emergency baseball bat and hits Charlie over the head and Charlie gets knocked out. When the cops arrive he explains what Charlie did the cops pull him in to custardy and Paul was happy Charlie was locked up.          

Sunday 27 July 2014


In class we are reading a book called Wonder and it is written by R.J. Palacio. The main character is called August and he has a unusual medical condition.  This is a picture of the main character called August and he is meeting with his new principal at his first school.   

Thursday 3 July 2014

End Of Term Review

Science Fair

This term we had a science fair and I did mine on Does heat affect bounce of a basketball on difference surfaces. What I did for my testing  was my Dad helped me make a contraption for my basketball to go in. I had a hammer in the same spot and my Dad let it go and the ball would be hit and the ball would bounce up and we would measure it's bounce. For my project I got a yellow sticker and bronze meddle witch I am really proud.

Cross Country 

This term we also did Cross Country. Our Cross Country is the biggest in New Zealand. This year I came 175 witch I am proud of thats the same of last year. Cross Country is 3 km long down Fraser Street and round the school.    


For P.E. this term we had our Rimu rotations. In our rotations we played Basketball, Netball, Hockey and Soccer. My Favourite sport is Basketball and my team won our basketball game. We also played Dodgeball and Multisport.